When do the Managed Service Company rules apply to accountants? What exemption exists? What happens if you are a MSC provider?

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This kind of arrangement is particularly common with freelance professionals in IT as well as locums in the health and social care sector.

An MSC Provider is defined as a person who “carries on the business of promoting or facilitating the use of companies to provide the services of individuals”. 

Businesses that specialise in providing services to persons working through companies are most likely to be MSC Providers. However, for the MSC rules to apply they must also be ‘involved’ with their client companies.

‘Involved’ is defined in the legislation by reference to any one of five activities that focus on:

Particularly high-risk activities include:

The MSC legislation has a specific exemption where persons are MSC Providers merely by virtue of providing legal or accounting services in a professional capacity. 

This exemption will generally apply where accountants/advisors are genuinely just giving advice. 

Umbrella and other models

If you are promoting or facilitating the use of service companies through a standard package then you may well be running an MSC and the accountant exemption is unlikely to be available.

In particular, this exemption may not apply if you are:

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External links

HMRC Spotlight 32

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