The moment that we have been waiting for, HMRC have published their responses to its six Making Tax Digital (MTD) consultations. 

1. Bringing business tax into the digital age

The government will need to consider further issues such as the initial exemption threshold and deferring the changes for some small businesses.

HMRC will begin piloting digital record keeping and quarterly updates for a full year from April 2017, building up to working with hundreds of thousands of businesses and landlords before rolling the services out more widely. 

HMRC's own impact assessment (it downplays the cost): it estimates a one-off transitional cost of £280 per business, followed by small ongoing annual savings. 

2. Penalties

3. Simplifying tax for small business

HMRC appreciate that small businesses cannot cope with too many changes at once. Measures being taken forward include:

4. Simplified cash basis for landlords

5. Voluntary pay as you go

Allowing the opportunity to make extra payments on account. There are concerns about the processing of overpayments. 

6. Transforming the tax system through better use of information

This is how will make better use of the information received from third parties.


Making Tax Digital: The Grand Design
Links to news, consultations and responses on MTD including the House of Lord's NEW call for evidence.

MTD: Let's Simplify
Comment piece: let's make it even easier.

External link

HMRC consultation response: Bringing Business into the Digital Age