In The Serpentine Trust Ltd  v HMRC [2018] TC06719 the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) held that an agreement reached with HMRC under Alternative Dispute Resolution was ultra vires; it was contrary to the law and unenforceable by the taxpayer.

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) was introduced by HMRC in 2013. It is a form of mediation that is designed to resolve tax disputes without the need to go to a formal tribunal.

It does not affect the right to appeal or ask for a Statutory review. 

The Serpentine Trust Ltd runs art galleries in London and is a registered charity.

During the first FTT hearing the judge commented on the VAT treatment agreed under ADR stating that it was wrong in law and inconsistent with HMRC’s published position.

The the second hearing FTT judge dismissed the appeal:


This case shows that neither taxpayer or HMRC can 'do deals' and expect the courts to enforce them unless the agreement is within the law.


Grounds for appeal toolkit

Statutory review 

External links:

The Serpentine Trust Ltd v HMRC [2018] TC06719

HMRC guidance Tax disputes: Alternative Dispute Resolution