HMRC have published statistics on the use of tax-advantaged employee share schemes, such as Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) for the 2017/18 tax year.

The Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI)  is now the most widely used tax-advantaged share option scheme and is designed for smaller companies. A company may grant options to selected employees to allow them to acquire its shares over a prescribed period providing certain qualifying conditions are met.

During 2017/18 there were 11,700 live EMI schemes which is an increase of 13% on the previous tax year and marks an 70% increase in the number of this type of scheme in the last ten years.

The figures show that schemes such as EMI remain consistently popular with employers as a tax efficient way to incentivise staff.

Links to our guides:

Employment related securities & share schemes

EMI: Enterprise Management Incentives

EMI: checklist