In Oriel Developments Ltd v HMRC [2019] TC7306, the First Tier Tribunal allowed an appeal despite an invalid Rollover Relief claim. The discovery assessment raised was stale so was not valid.

Where Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Rollover Relief  applies, a claim is made to defer a capital gain made on the disposal of a business asset (including compulsory acquisitions) by rolling it over against the cost of another business asset.

“Discovery” is the power that allows HMRC to reopen closed periods where they believe there is an underpayment of tax, including where a relief has become excessive, by way of issuing an assessment.

Oriel sold a piece of land under a compulsory purchase order.

The discovery issue:

The judge said he was bound to follow the Court of Appeal's decision in Raymond Tooth v HMRC [2019] EWCA 826 as the facts were the same.

The judge agreed with the appellants counsel that HMRC could have issued a protective assessment and dismissed HMRC’s reasons for not doing so.

The rollover relief claim:

The judge found the rollover claim to be invalid;

Nevertheless, the appeal was allowed based on the decision on discovery. HMRC have appealed to the Upper Tribunal. 

Links to our guides:

CGT reliefs: disposal of a business or its assets
Rollover Relief: At a glance
Discovery Assessments
Discovery assessment: time limits

External link:

Oriel Developments Ltd v HMRC [2019] TC7306