In Shu Fang Yang v Revenue Scotland [2020], the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) for Scotland Tax Chamber held that ignorance of the law is not a reasonable excuse for late submission of the three-year LBTT Lease Review Return (LBTT return).

The FTT Scotland considered:

The FTT found:


Land and Buildings Transaction Tax
Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) is a tax on transactions in land situated in Scotland. It replaced Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) on 1 April 2015.

Scottish LBTT Rates
What are the rates for LBTT?

How to appeal a tax penalty
What are the steps in making an appeal? What should your appeal cover? What are the recent cases on this topic?

Grounds for appeal toolkit
What grounds are there to appeal a tax penalty? How can you word a tax appeal? Can you appeal HMRC errors? What is a reasonable excuse?

External link

Shu Fang Yang v Revenue Scotland [2020] FTS/TC/AP/19/0028