The House of Commons’ Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has published its report on the 'Management of Tax Reliefs'. It concludes that HMRC and HM Treasury need to improve their reporting on the cost, beneficiaries and impact of tax reliefs so that parliament can scrutinize the value for money of these benefits.

The PAC had opened an inquiry in June into the UK's management of ‘tax expenditures’ and tax reliefs provided for certain activities or goods, an area it has kept under review for the last ten years.

Tax reliefs in the UK can be split into two categories:

The committee identified that the biggest tax expenditures in the UK, which are often also the most difficult to evaluate, are:

The report concludes that:

External links

PAC report: Management of tax reliefs 

Inquiry: Management of tax reliefs 

Public accounts committee Oral evidence on the management of tax reliefs of 10 June 2020