In March 2021 HM Treasury published 'Fundamental Review of Business Rates', an interim report, providing an overview of responses to July 2020's Call for Evidence and subsequent policy decisions in advance of a final report which is expected in Autumn 2021.

Government has made the following policy decisions to date:

Summary of Responses

A summary of the responses provided for each of the main topics of the Call for Evidence are as follows:

Business Rates Reliefs

Business Rates Multiplier

Longer-term reform in light of the scope of the review

Valuations and transitional relief

Plant and Machinery investment

Valuations, transparency and appeals

Maintaining the accuracy of rating lists

The billing process

Exploring alternatives to business rates

Online Sales Tax (OST)

External Links 

July 2020 Business Rates Review: Interim Report

March 2021 Business Rates Review: Call for Evidence

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