In JT Quinns Limited & Queen-Rose Green v HMRC [2021] TC08338, disallowed personal expenses put through a company's books resulted in tax assessments for the company and its director, including a s.455 tax charge. The director's lack of understanding of the basic principles of finance and tax and reliance on her accountant meant that tax penalties were downgraded for careless rather than deliberate behaviour.

HMRC had opened enquiries into the tax returns of JT Quinns Limited (the company) and Mrs Queen-Rose Green (Mrs Green), a director shareholder of the company.

The First Tier Tribunal (FTT) dismissed all of the appeals, finding Mrs Green to be evasive, unreliable and inconsistent.


This case is a reminder of the implications when a company owner treats the business bank account as their own and takes no responsibility for their tax affairs, then compounds matters by refusing to engage with HMRC once enquiries are raised.

Useful guides on this topic

Close company loans toolkit (loans to participators)
This guide takes a detailed look at the Corporation Tax treatment when a Close Company makes a loan to a participator (director-shareholder). It also provides links to our guides for individuals on the making of loans to companies.

Directors' loan accounts: Toolkit (subscribers)
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) do a director's loan accounts toolkit for advisers. This is our enhanced version with planning points. 

Discovery Assessments
When can HMRC issue an assessment outside of the normal statutory time limits? What conditions must be met? What are your rights of appeal and defences?

Closure notices
When does HMRC issue a Closure Notice? Can a taxpayer demand one? Are there appeal rights?

Sch 36 Information Notices
What is a Schedule 36 Information Notice? When can HMRC issue one? What rights does the taxpayer have when an information notice is issued?

Penalties: Deliberate Behaviour
What penalties apply to deliberate behaviour? What is Deliberate Behaviour?

Adviser's Tax Penalty Planner
A guide to the key direct and indirect tax penalty regimes for returns and payments, excluding VAT.

External link

JT Quinns Limited & Queen-Rose Green v HMRC [2021] TC08338 

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