The Treasury Select Committee has launched an inquiry into the Crypto-Asset industry which will explore the role, opportunities and risks that crypto-assets offer consumers and businesses.

The Committee is making a call for evidence in respect of the future adoption of cryptocurrencies and crypto-based technologies as well as the impact and scope of current and potential regulation.

It invites written submissions to address the following questions:

Submissions can be made via an online form and are requested by 5 pm Monday 12 September.

Useful guides on this topic

How are Cryptoassets taxed in the UK? At a glance (Freeview)
How do you tax Bitcoin? Are cryptocurrency or cryptoasset gains or profits, taxable? Can you obtain tax relief if you make losses on Bitcoin? 

How are Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies or cryptoassets taxed in the UK
How do you tax Bitcoin? Are cryptocurrency or cryptoasset gains or profits, taxable? Can you obtain tax relief if you make losses on Bitcoin? Gains on transactions in cryptoassets are potentially taxable in the same way as other investments. 

External links

The crypto-asset industry: Call for Evidence

The crypto-asset industry: Submit evidence

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