In Reed Employment v HMRC [2015] EWCA Civ 805 the Court of Appeal agreed with the findings of the UT and FTT that a major employment agency's salary sacrifice-travel scheme was ineffective for tax.

Reed, an employment agency, made use of the employee travel rules to reduce the taxable pay of some 5,000 workers.

The First Tier Tax Tribunal (FTT) found that the salary sacrifice was not effective as the workers could opt in and out of the scheme, and had not given up their pay, there was no sacrifice as such. No benefit was received by the employees, as Reed kept most of the profits under the scheme. The UT agreed.

On further appeal the Court of Appeal found no evidence of any reduction in remuneration: there was in fact no salary sacrifice.

The workers contracts were not really overarching contacts of employment at all. Although there was a single contract, its terms meant that workers were unpaid and no employment relationship existed between assignments. The result according to the FTT was that each assignment represented a single employment and the workplace so attended was therefore not temporary because it was the only workplace for the duration of the employment. This meant that travel to and from each assignment was ordinary commuting and disallowable for tax.



Court of Appeal decision: Reed Employment PLC v HMRC [2015] EWCA Civ 805

UT decision: Reed Employment PLC v HMRC [2014] UKUT 0160 (TCC) 

FTT decision: Reed Employment PLC  & other Reed companies [2012] UKFTT 28 (TC) TC01727