According to HMRC's latest statistics on Making Tax Digital for VAT less than half of all VAT registered business have so far signed up for Making Tax Digital for VAT. At least a third (and maybe many more) of those who are supposed to be in the new system have not signed up or signed up and failed to file.

HMRC Statistics

Piecing together official figures, it is estimated that:

HMRC has previously confirmed that 90% of monthly filers and some 76% of stagger 1 businesses signed up on time to file for 7 August. It is unclear how many in their group were successful in filing.

HMRC now reports that 230,000 stagger 2 business (74%) signed up, meaning that 80,000 stagger 2 businesses have yet to sign up for MTD for VAT and (we presume) filed under the old system for their August quarter. They are being sent reminder letters. 

40% of stagger 3 businesses have yet to sign up.

HMRC now says that 94% of stagger 1 and 2 businesses who did sign up filed their returns on time. That means that so far there was a 6% failure rate amongst those who signed up.


Roughly speaking, 25% of each stagger have failed to sign up and 6% of those who signed up have failed to file, and hence roughtly 1/3 of business are not yet successfully within MTD for VAT.  This does not bring into account the remaining £1.5 million who have not signed up at all. Perhaps more meaningful statistics will be published in due course.


No tax penalties will be charged if you pay your VAT on time.

If you fail to get your return in on time and cannot pay on time you will not be fined if you can show that you did all you could to try and file under the new system (or the old one if you were unable to use the new system).

See VAT penalties