HMRC has updated its current list of deliberate tax defaulters. The list 'names and shames', detailing the defaulter's name, industry, tax, and penalties.

There were some very sizeable cases in the last three months, one with £3.5m of tax and penalties. 

Two of the largest were payroll services companies, perhaps an indication of HMRC looking more at Managed Service Companies (MSCs) as indicated in one of its spotlights.

Look out for a lot of restaurants, take-aways, bars and construction industry workers.  HMRC keep looking at these and keep finding new deliberate error assessments.  Expect investigations into these industries to continue.


It's always slightly surprising that that HMRC allows tax non-payers to run up such high tax debts, perhaps some of the debts are as a result of penalties arising from investigations, perhaps not. More detail as to how these debts arise would be interesting for MPs and the Public Accounts Committee.


Anti-avoidance: HMRC's spotlights

When the tax inspector calls...

External links

HMRC's Current list of deliberate tax defaulters

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