
Our Practical Tax Resources will compliment your practice or business, and act as your virtual tax partner. We have freeview and subscription guides, client briefings and toolkits, which combine to provide practical solutions to your key tax FAQs and add value with useful tax know-how through tools, examples and checklists...Read Reviews

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More on tax penalties this week - they're spreading like Ebola! Our Penalty Planner is growing every day and we have some new guidance from HMRC (see Failure to notify).

An interesting little tax case for the bank holiday:

Tax penalties for ex-inspectors
Wife’s wages, motoring, estimates and negligence. It sounds like an expenses whodunnit, but not a single MP was implicated in this case about deductions.

Have a good weekend

All the best


Nichola Ross Martin FCA
Tax Director

Your online Virtual Tax Partner: practical support for accountants, tax advisers and their clients

Freeview & News

Snacking when abroad: all change
Changes are expected shortly in respect of scale rates payable to employees on account of subsistence when travelling outside the UK.

HMRC clarifies P35s penalties
HMRC has issued a note to explain what (if any) penalties apply if employers fail to file their P35s electronically for 2009/10.

PAYE codings: a new UK record?
A taxpayer has received a tax code of K33,200. Does this set a new UK record?

New Bribery Act
The Bribery Act 2010 distinguishes between two new offences of bribery: bribing someone or being bribed. It also introduces two new offences.

Big hits from last time:

The service company question: P35s and SA tax returns
What do you answer in relation to the service company question found on the P35 and SA100 tax returns?
What tax penalties apply if you get it wrong?

Tax Data
Even more tax rates and allowances, all updated following the Budget.

Updates, New tax guides and checklists

For PAID subscribers only (because you're worth it :)

Tax penalties: advisers' update
UPDATED: a summary of the new rules drilling down to detailed guidance. This is going to continue to expand in coming weeks.

Tax Penalty Planner
UPDATED: our favourite new guide: new tabs extend to cover income tax, CGT, IHT, PAYE and Shares.

Enhanced Capital Allowances: energy saving plant
NEW: Claims can be complicated, but given the fact that this is a 100% allowance, firms should be investing a bit more time in understanding these.

Seller: should I make a s.198 election to fix sale price of fixtures?
NEW: Advantages and disadvantages. Key negotiaton tips when you are agreeing the price of commercial property.

Share awards: filing and tax penalties
NEW: a handy summary, links and tax traps.

Capital allowances: plant & machinery (companies)
UPDATED summary and key plannning points

Capital allowances: plant & machinery (self-employed)
UPDATED summary

Subsistence (employer's guide)
UPDATED following potential withdrawal of FCO rates (affects overseas travel claims).

New from last time:

Goodwill and the intangibles regime
NEW guide, what is deductible for tax. Pre and post March 2002 rules, tips for incorporation.

Tax penalties: grounds for appeal
UPDATED for more successful and unsuccessful appeals.

Incorporation checklist
Updated links to other guides.

PAYE Tips and Links
The Tax Geek summarises the key PAYE developments in the last month (with links).

Tax planner for 2010/11 & 2011/12
Our UNIQUE Budget tax planner for 2010/11 and 2011/12 has been updated with new links.

Estate planning checklist
Need a refresher? This checklist covers spouses, gifts and exemptions.

Surplus cash CGT & IHT Relief and ESC C16
Company has large cash surplus: how does this affect Entrepreneurs' Relief, Business Property Relief, and what if you try and dissolve the company? Updated: for Budget...More

New and updated

Practical Tax Toolkits
For companies, these are continuing to be updated

How to value a business
An introduction to the basics

Unlawful, illegal and ultra vires dividends
Updated following the Budget this illustrates the different tax treatment for different types of individual in connection with a close company.

Recent FREE view guides & updates

Tax penalties: failure to notify
A tax penalty may apply when a person fails to notify HMRC that they are chargeable to tax, or it may not.

Tax penalties: failure to make a return (late filing)
More penalties, more guidance.

P11Ds: penalties
More penalties, more guidance.

PAYE: late payment penalties
More penalties, more guidance.

KEY reading this quarter (subscribers only)

Employers' Quarterly Tax Briefing
Top tips, tools, links and planning ideas for 2010/11 and beyond...More

Quarterly Tax Refresher (for advisers only)
This essential tax tool is an excellent source of online CPD. Download this onto your mobile, train staff, and of course brief your clients...More

More FREE news, guides, notes and checklists

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Recommendations: what do our subscribers say about us?

Free guides
You have two options:
1. Explore the site (then click on the menus and you will soon see what is free)
2. See a small sample.

Missed an edition? See Nichola's SME Tax News Archive.

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What do you get?

  • Open access to the entire Practical Tax Database which contains over 300 tax and legal guides packed full of essential know-how for advisers.
  • Our regular Email update when there are new guides and tax issues that we think you MUST read.
  • Nichola’s monthly SME tax news summary (we do the reading and cherry pick the best of the press, magazines and websites for you).
  • NEW our Quarterly Tax Refresher (for advisers ONLY) + our Quarterly Employer Briefing.
  • A 25% discount to our NEW tax webinar-update service).
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