Two essential updates for subscribers, freeview guides and news, please scroll down for links.
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Nichola Ross Martin FCA
Tax Director
Your online Virtual Tax Partner: practical support for accountants, tax advisers and their clients
PAYE pooling: new consultation
Or legal nightmare...More
Protesters demand Dave Hartnett's resignation
Protesters move on Whitehall...More
Gains-Cooper loses residency appeal
Supreme court ignores day counting...More
Time to Pay: revealed HMRC double standards
Size matters...More
Bona Vacantia: concession dropped
Striking off requires a Capital Reduction...More
Guides and updates
FREEVIEW mini-guides
Starting in business: start here
NEW: menu and tax summaries
Joint property elections
UPDATE: HMRC change Form 17
Ceasing trading: overview
UPDATE: a summary of the mechanics for companies with a look at the tax on final distributions
Retirement: a purchase of own shares
NEW: menu and summary
For PAID subscribers (because you are special :)
Essential reading this time:
Joint property: legal v beneficial ownership
UPDATE: a rewrite, this guide explains the differences, looks at transfer of beneficial ownership, issues for spouses and Declarations of Trust
Repairs and renewals
UPDATE: new "At a glance" section & case law: highly recommended
Recent updates
Capital reduction: distributing capital reserves
UPDATE: why and how to guide for advisers
Bona Vacantia & striking off
UPDATE: a summary of the key issues for advisers to watch out for and advise clients
Solvency statement: reduction of capital (winding up)
Template: as required for a reduction in capital
Capital reduction with a purchase of own shares
UPDATE: this is a very complicated combination, so we have created this checklist
Capital reduction: tax treatment
UPDATE: this guide examines the position where a capital reduction is used and trading is ongoing.
Broadband (Employer's guide)
NEW: our at a glance guide summarises the different combinations and their tax treatment.
Tax penalties: grounds for appeal
UPDATE: cases added for reasonable excuse and reliance on accountants. Note VAT and direct tax differences.
Finance Act 2011: tax planner
UPDATE: our rolling CPD tool is designed to keep you on top of key legislative changes and announcements.
Can I back-claim capital allowances on residential property?
UPDATE: a rewrite of this guide with improved links.
Recent updates
Running an LLP in tandem with a company
UPDATE: in tandem or corporate partners? Lots of plusses and minuses for professional practices.
Employment status checklist
UPDATE: following the Autoclenz decision clients may wish to review their working relationships with self-employed subcontractors.
Employment status: directors
UPDATE: the difference in treatment of office holders under tax and employment law.
Employment status: partners
NEW: this guide considers a problem for some professional firms.
Furnished Holiday Letting
UPDATE: a major rewrite to include 2011 FA provisions including examples on Averaging and Period of Grace reliefs.
Business Property Relief: holding companies
UPDATE: following recent queries we have included further examples to deal with mixed trading groups.
Joint property elections
UPDATE: new links, following new guidance from HMRC.
Goodwill: trade related properties
UPDATE: new tabs, clearer guidance on valuation with new links.
Interest: paid on loans from directors
NEW: mini-guide. Is interest paid gross or net? At what rate? Tax relief when irrecoverable.
Capital Gains Tax: Entrepreneurs' Relief
UPDATE: new sections including planning points and pitfalls for private company shares
Valuation (of goodwill) on incorporation
UPDATE: new examples for small & lifestyle businesses.
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