Freeview PAYE starter checklist. Use this form if you are taking on a new employee.

Note that this is our (improved) version of HMRC's New Employee Starter checklist, updated for the 2021-22 tax year. 

Taking on a new employee? What PAYE code to use?

New Employee Starter checklist
This checklist applies if you take someone on as a new employee

Employer name…………………………………………………..

Employee details



First name (s)


Gender:  Male or Female  


Date of birth: dd/mm/yyyy


National Insurance number





Email address


Contact telephone number


A. This is my first job since last 6 April and I have not been receiving taxable Jobseeker's Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, taxable Incapacity Benefit, state pension or occupational pension. YES / NO 

B. This is my only job, but since last 6 April I have had another job, or have received taxable Jobseeker's Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit.

Also, I do not receive state or occupational pension.



Do you have a P45 issued by your previous employer?


If YES: 

Please attach to this declaration

If NO:

Please contact your previous employer and request your P45.

C. Do you have another job (in addition to this one) or receive a state or occupational pension. YES / NO
Student Loan

Do you have a Student Loan which is not fully repaid.




Please move on to the next question.

If NO:

Please ignore the Student Loan questions and sign and date this form.

Are you paying your Student Loan direct to the Student Loans Company by agreed monthly instalments?



Please ignore the remaining questions and sign and date this form.

If NO:

Please move on to the next question.

Are you still studying full-time on a course that your Student Loan relates to?



Please ignore the remaining questions and sign and date this form.

If NO:

Please move on to the next question.

Have you completed or left your full-time course after the start of the current tax year, which started on 6 April?



Please ignore the remaining questions and sign and date this form.

If NO:

Please move on to the next question.

Student Loan Plans

What type of student plan do you have?

PLAN 1, PLAN 2, PLAN 4 or Postgraduate Loan (circle the appropriate plan)

If you lived in Northern Ireland when you started your course, or

You lived in England or Wales and started your course before 1 September 2012 then you have Plan 1.

If you lived in England or Wales and started your course on or after 1 September 2012 then you have Plan 2.

If you lived in Scotland when you started your course and applied through the Students Award Agency Scotland (SAAS) then you have Plan 4.

If you lived in England and started your postgraduate master's course on or after 1 August 2016, or 

You lived in Wales and started your postgraduate master's course on or after 1 August 2017, or 

You lived in England or Wales and started your postgraduate doctoral course on or after 1 August 2018 then you have a Postgraduate Loan

Did you finish your studies before the last 6 April?



Employee Signature


Date signed



Employer's Checklist

Employer's checklist

(employer to complete this next section)

Employment start date (DD/MM/YYYY): 

Rate of pay  £   

Note: National Minimum Wage provisions

Estimated average hours to be worked per week

PAYE code to be used:

See What is the 2021/22 PAYE tax code?

Casual workers: special rules apply if

If an employee is only being paid once:

  • use tax code ‘0T’ on a ‘Week 1’ or ‘Month 1’ basis
  • put ‘IO’ in the ‘Pay frequency’ field
  • do not put a start or leaving date
  • do not issue a P45 on leaving

Is this employee a harvest worker who is being employed for two weeks of less?

See HMRC seasonal workers

Pay interval

Pensions Auto-enrolment

Is the employee:

  • An eligible jobholders 
  • A non-eligible jobholder
  • An entitled worker

Are earnings above the trigger limits?

Student loans

A SL1 ‘Start Notice’ is sent to employers when a match is made between the Student Loans Company’s record of borrowers and HMRC's records.

  • Make deductions from the first available payday after the start date, using the plan type shown on the SL1.
  • Do not make deductions before the start date.
  • See HMRC Student Loan guidance.

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