
Our Practical Tax Resources will compliment your practice or business, and act as your virtual tax partner. We have freeview and subscription guides, client briefings and toolkits, which combine to provide practical solutions to your key tax FAQs and add value with useful tax know-how through tools, examples and checklists...Read Reviews

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This week's essential reading:

The Employers' Quarterly Tax Briefing

Tax-free medical benefits and health checks

Tax-free recreational benefits

Not the end of tax-free lunches?

This edition is a bit of an "employers special". Next week more on business tax and our new company toolkits.

Kind regards


Nichola Ross Martin FCA
Tax Director

Your online Virtual Tax Partner: practical support for accountants, tax advisers and their clients


Employer's legal essentials
These two guides have been contributed by The Employment Law Clinic.

Contracts of employment
What should go into an employment contract? This is also recommended reading if you are involved in IR35 work, as you can compare and contrast characteristics in an employment relationship.

Unfair dismissal
Employees have numerous grounds for claiming unfair dismissal. Don't get caught out in this minefield.

Employer's tax essentials

PAYE Late payment penalties
The new regime from April 2010. Are your clients ready?

Not the end of tax-free lunches?
Changes to tax relief on works lunches and canteens.

Updates, new tax guides and checklists

For PAID subscribers only (because you're worth it...)

Employers' Quarterly Tax Briefing
Top tips, tools, links and planning ideas for 2010/11 and beyond...More

Tax-free medical benefits
Is medical insurance a taxable benefit in kind?...More

Tax-free recreational benefits
Can an employer provide membership to a gym or not?...More

Also, don't miss:
Our NEW Quarterly Tax Refresher (for advisers only)
This essential tax tool is an excellent source of online CPD. Download this onto your mobile, train staff, and of course brief your clients...More

Furnished holiday letting
New updates on the effect of 5 April 2010 on joint property elections, CGT Entrepreneurs' Relief, VAT. Consideration of what kinds of activity will qualify as a trade from 2010/11, IHT business property relief...More

Property profts and losses
A Practical Tax guide to taxing property income which links to our Furnished Holiday letting guides...More

Employment: taxing leaving payments
All the rules, in one place, at last.

Still stuck for bed-time reading? Try Tax planning for directors

FREE guides, notes and checklists

You have to pay to subscribe to unlock the full content in www.rossmartin.co.uk. Here is some of our free material:

Recommendations: what do our subscribers say about us?
Thank you to the unknown person who started this thread and a huge thank you to those who responded.

Just 4% of inviduals are the real tax evaders?
According to...HMRC's own research.

Consultation on Tax Agents
If you do not want to work in a "police state" respond now.

Unlawful, illegal and ultra vires dividends
A quick guide for advisers and directors covering tax, tax penalties and directors' duties...More

Budget & PBR 2009
A handy tax planner for 2010/11 and 2011/12

Tax Data
Bookmark this on your mobile

Missed an edition? See Nichola's SME Tax News Archive.

Subscribe to the Practical Tax Database to UNLOCK your internet Virtual Tax partner:

To introduce this new service we are offering a single user subscription at £255 + VAT per year. (that is a mere £21.25 (+ VAT) per month).

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  • Our regular Email update when there are new guides and tax issues that we think you MUST read.
  • Nichola’s monthly SME tax news summary (we do the reading and cherry pick the best of the press, magazines and websites for you).
  • NEW our Quarterly Tax Refresher (for advisers ONLY)
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