
We are publishing a day early this week. As it's 'the silly season'* we have more tax bait, this time seven things you can do to improve your tax health (and that of your employees). Some of them will help your actual health too...

We have two additions to our series of A-Z guides for different trades and professions: Antiques dealers and online influencers. Writing these has reminded us just how complex VAT has become for certain types of business, it's a minefield and that's before you even consider MTD for VAT. We are continuing our series of guides for students and anyone thinking of venturing out into the gig economy.

Several cases really interested us this week and all are worth a quick read.

Please do add your experiences to our with MTD:VAT Blog we are keen to hear how it's all going. 

*Silly season: the summer, so called because in ye olden days before the internet and 24 hour global news reporting, countries like the UK would seemingly close down when parliament closed for the holidays and the result was that the press used to make up silly stories. Roll on to 2019 and we have fake news and click bait. Ah the joys of technological advancement. Next week...XVII pages of tax legislation that you never knew you needed.

If you have tax queries contact the Virtual Tax Partner support portal at www.VtaxP.co.uk.

Enjoy the guides and updates and the news is below. Subscribe now!

Back soon 

Nichola Ross Martin FCA CTA (Fellow) Tax Director


Your Virtual Tax Partner®: online PRACTICAL support for accountants, tax advisers BY accountants and tax advisers

Quick news (freeview)

Long delays in processing R & D relief Claims
HMRC blames recent staff losses and a very high volumes of claims on a mounting backlog.

Making VAT more Digital (freeview)

MTD: VAT blog
What a horrible time many of us have had. How was it for you?...More

Tax Bait (freeview)

A more light-hearted look at tax and the news

Tax fit: 7 things you can do to improve your tax health
Our top 7 tips for how to give yourself a clean tax bill of health...More

8 things I wish I had known about Making Tax Digital for VAT
Hindsight is a wonderful thing...More

Editor's Choice (freeview)

Starting work: 2. Working out your tax
Back to basics: How you are taxed, special rules for certain types of worker, how your taxes are paid?

Tax Guides (subscribers)

Antiques dealers: what expenses can I claim?
NEW: What expenses can antique dealers claim for tax purposes? Are there special tax and accounting rules for antique dealers? What are the rules for VAT for antique dealers? 

Influencers: what expenses can I claim?
NEW: What expenses can online influencers can claim for tax purposes? Are there special rules? What are the rules for VAT for online influencers?

Wholly and exclusively…toolkit
Expenditure in a trader's or company's accounts is disallowed for tax if it is not "wholly and exclusively" incurred for the purpose of the business. This toolkit explains what that means and how to assess if it applies.

Flat rate expenses or actual cost toolkit
This toolkit compares the different systems available and explains the nature of the different deductions

Case Update (freeview)

Closure notice invalid: notice of enquiry not validly served
In William Tinkler v HMRC [2019] EWCA 1392 the Court of Appeal ruled that a notice of an enquiry sent to a tax agent was not validly served on a taxpayer; the subsequent closure notice was also invalid.

Informal Tax Investigation was lawful 
In JJ Management LLP & Ors, R (On the Application Of) v HMRC & Anor [2019] EWHC 2006 (Admin) the High Court found that an informal investigation by HMRC into the affairs of a business man were lawful.

VAT (freeview)

Input VAT on acquisition of extra Single Farm Payment units allowed
In HMRC v Frank A Smart & Son Ltd (Respondent) (Scotland) [2019] UKSC 39, the Supreme Court upheld the decisions of all earlier courts and dismissed HMRC's continued appeal: a company was entitled to a repayment of VAT paid when acquiring Single Farm Payment (SFPE) units as a fund raising exercise.

VAT (subscribers)

Land and Property: at a glance
UPDATE: a handy guide to the VAT treatment of numerous transactions involving the supply of land, property and land and property services

Virtual Tax Partner Toolkit (freeview)

Virtual Tax Partner © Tax Toolkit© Tax Toolkit
NEW: be a winner with our game-changing tax diagnostics tools:

  • Entrepreneurs' Relief: Sole traders: sale of a business, incorporation, sale of assets
  • Entrepreneurs' Relief: Company owners: rules for sales pre 29 October 2018, sales between 29 October 2018 and 5 April 2019 and after.
  • TAAR: closing your Personal service company? Will your final dividends be taxed as income?
  • Salary or dividend, or a mixture of both. Better to claim the Employers' Allowance?
  • Making Tax Digital for VAT: when do you need to join.

TaxKeep Apps
NEW: these Apps are currently free for subscribers. For a small fee they can be customised with your logo and then distributed to your clients. Complete the form to sign up for your own App.

CPD for lunch 

Byte sized chunks of CPD for subscribers

Company Cars

CPD Index

Missed last time's Web-update?

Nichola's SME W-update 2 August 2019 

  • Starting work: employed or self employed?
  • Partial exemption and the capital goods scheme
  • 8 things I wish I had known about Making Tax Digital for VAT
  • Recommendations on disputing tax
  • MTD VAT blog
  • and much more..

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  • Want to know more? Commission your own articles and checklists.
  • Structured CPD our detailed SME tax updates "for Advisers Only" provide topical summaries and planning notes & our webcasts provide you with structured CPD at your desk.
  • Regular client tax briefings: these cover the latest business and employment tax issues and are designed to assist you plan meetings and improve your client services.