The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) have issued a Call for Evidence entitled, 'Managing tax compliance following the pandemic'. It seeks feedback on HMRC’s ability to carry out its compliance work and to identify future risks and challenges following the pandemic.
The PAC inquiry is based on the National Audit Office's investigation into managing tax compliance after the pandemic and will involve the questioning of senior HMRC officials in January 2023. They are likely to be questioned on:
- The impact the pandemic has had on HMRC’s available capacity for tax compliance work.
- The impact social distancing has had on 'in person' investigations.
- The fall in compliance yield in 2020/21 and 2021/22 when compared to 2019/20.
Written submissions on these issues are requested by 6 pm on Monday 16 January 2023.
External links
Call for Evidence: Managing tax compliance following the pandemic
NAO: Managing tax compliance following the pandemic
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