In Charlton Chauffeur Drive Limited v HMRC [2021] TC08042, the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) found that sums received by a company from a firm of auditors under a legal settlement agreement were compensation in respect of employee fraud. As such, they were revenue in nature and not capital, as the company had claimed.
- The appellants provided international ground transportation services.
- The appellant’s finance manager embezzled an estimated £773,701 between 2004 and 2012.
- Following a forensic investigation, the accounts and Corporate Tax returns were amended claiming the embezzled amounts were business expenditure Wholly and exclusively incurred for the purposes of the trade.
- The appellant raised proceedings against their former auditor and consultant accountant.
- The parties reached settlement and the appellant received £566,000.
- The amount was paid in the accounting period ended 31 December 2016 and was treated as a capital receipt as it was received in exchange for its agreement to surrender any claim.
- HMRC opened an enquiry into the return.
- HMRC issues a Closure notice concluding that the settlement receipt should be taxed as a trading receipt.
- The appellant Appealed.
The FTT dismissed the appeal on the grounds that:
- The settlement agreement had to be construed under ordinary principles and not with a specific tax outcome in mind.
- The settlement agreement:
- Covered more than the pending litigation.
- The intention of the defenders was to avoid public litigation and any suggestion of liability.
- The appellant was seeking recompense for its losses.
- Settlement was a decision commercially taken as being the best way to achieve recovery of the loss with the least cost and risk attached.
- The sum received was compensation for the losses incurred.
- The receipt under the settlement agreement was revenue as it was compensation for the loss of profits rather than a loss of assets.
Useful guides on this topic
Wholly and exclusively...toolkit
What does 'wholly and exclusively' mean? How do you determine if a cost is wholly and exclusively incurred for the purpose of a trade? What cases are there?
How to appeal an HMRC decision
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Closure notices
When does HMRC issue a Closure Notice? Can a taxpayer demand one? Are there appeal rights?
External links
Charlton Chauffeur Drive Limited v HMRC [2021] TC08042
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