Under the provisions of the Small Business Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 UK companies are prohibited from issuing bearer shares from 26 May 2015. Companies which already had bearer shares were required to give notice to bearer shareholders that they must surrender them and have their holdings converted into registered shares by 26 June 2015, and the company had to spell out the consequences of not doing so.
Reporting share events for 2014/15 - deadline extended
HMRC has decided the extend the online reporting deadline for share schemes and other employment related securities returns by a working week following a spate of techical problems.
4 July: deadline for tax on notional payments
Employees must reimburse their employers for any PAYE due on any notional payments made in the 2014/15 tax year within 90 days of the tax year end (section 22 ITEPA 2003). The deadline is 4 July.
Employment related securities: online filing, previously Form 42
Do you have any taxable events in terms of Employment Related Securites to report? This is a last chance reminder: it takes up to 7 days to register and the spreadsheet for events in 2014/15 must be filed by 6 July 2015.
Penalties: Schedule 36 information notices
What penalties apply if you fail to comply with an Information Notice request by HMRC? What are your rights of appeal?
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